Sunday 23 November 2014

New Blog Design

Hey guys, so as you can probably see by viewing this post I have a spangly new blog design! yay! It was something that had been bothering me for a while as I wanted my blog to really be 'me.' I'd looked into all sorts of different styles, and how to create various themes, but I just couldn't get my head around it! So i drafted in some help from the lovely Steph over at BonjourBelleDesigns to help me put my thoughts into action. After viewing her site and speaking to her I knew she would be able to create exactly what I wanted. And a few drafts later, here we are! I cannot say thanks enough to Steph as I now feel my blog is looking all professional and just how I wanted it!

Hope you all enjoy the new design, make sure you check out all my pages and social media links!

p.s. here are a few images iv been enjoying recently jut so there's something for your viewing pleasure ha!

Until next time,

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Liebster Award!

Today I'm doing a different sort of post for myself. I have been nominated for a Liebster Award by the lovely Char over at SkyFullOfStars.

Rules for Liebster Award:
  • Post 11 random facts about yourself
  • Answer 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you
  •  Nominate bloggers and post 11 questions for them to answer
So here's 11 random facts about me :)

1. My favourite celebrity is Cheryl Cole

2. I have been watching YouTube videos for at least 5 years and have toyed with the idea of starting my own channel numerous times.

3. My first pet was 2 goldfish called Splish and Splash (how inventive of me!)

4. I'm a Sims geek and proud

5. I've only ever had 1 'real' boyfriend

6. Right now- I've just finished dying my hair pink :0

7. I have danced since I was 4 years old and even attended dance college so I'm technically a 'professional.'

8. My car is called Kevin.

9. My dog and I have regular spoons in bed!

10. I have a fascination with aeroplanes and all things related to them.

11. My favourite childhood is Matilda- I used to try and make things move with my eyes too!

Questions from SkyFullOfStars

1.What foundation do you use? 
At the moment I am using Estee Lauder All Day GlowBB Cream in Shade 3.
2. What is your shoe size?
Size 6
 3.What is your favourite colour?
Purple is my all time favourite with Pink being a close second.
 4.Do you believe in god? 
Could be a controversial one, but personally I do not.
5.Coffee or Tea? 
Coffee-Latte's all the way.
6. Favourite flavour ice cream?
Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter Me Up mmmm.
7.What's one thing that you always forget to do?
Put the wheelie  bin out :/

 8.Do you bite your nails?
Nope, never have.
9.Last person you said I love you too? 
My Boyfriend 
10.What are you wearing on your feet right now? 
My comfy cosy fluffy bootie slippers
11.Do you have a nickname?
Yep loads-Clo, Clobo, Clofana, Cheeky, Babe, Chick, Stinky lol.

Now for my nominees:


Here are your 11 questions:
1.What is your natural hair colour
2.How many houses have you lived in
3. What makeup product could you not live without
4. Heels or flats
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be
6. What time is it right now
7. First place you ever went on holiday
8. PC or Mac 
9. What is your guilty pleasure
10. Favourite season 
11. Last book you read

 Thanks for taking the time to read this

Until next time

Loves, Chloe x