Monday 15 December 2014

My Mac Palette | Warm neutrals

Blogmas Day 15

In the summer I was looking at upping my collection of Mac eyeshadows. There were a few I had my eye on, and then I saw this baby! I'm a sucker for neutral eye shades and to see a palette already made up was just a bonus, as well as saving a bit of money rather than buying them all individually. The only decision I had to make was whether I wanted the cool palette or the warm palette. I decided on the warm palette as thought I would get the most use out of the shades which were in there. I know my palette is looking very loved now but lets face it I use it almost everyday so its bound to look a little worn.

As you can see there is a great range of pale highlighting shades, right down to deep smokey colours. Theres champagnes, Pinks, plums, browns, golds all sorts! The amount of looks you can create using this palette is limitless. Here are the colours from L-R.

This palette costs around £64 and I believe both variations are still available. My most loved colours are Honeylust- the very middle colour which you can see as a big dip in it. I love to sweep this all over my lid. A combo of Hey and Vanilla Extract for my inner corner highlight. And dark brew through the crease is my quick go to look!!

I hope you have all enjoyed this post and has inspired you to try out some new mac colours!

Until next time,

1 comment :

  1. Oh gosh I had my eye on this palette fur such long time! I'd love to get it some day! It is such good value for the price!
